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Hungry Hungry Hippos

In a threesome, when the two females are simultaneously moving to fellate the male from either side. Named after the similarity in the way the hippos reach for the loose balls in the Hasbro / Milton-Bradley game of the same name.

The term doesn't have anything to do with the size of the girls involved; although for the purists...that'd be the most accurate portrayal.

I thought the girls were going to take turns with my naughty bits, but it turned into a game of Hungry Hungry Hippos.

by King T November 6, 2006

256๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hungry Hungry Hippos

When you make yourself a bath and you obtain an erection. Once an erection has been obtained, grab your penis by the bottom of the shaft and push it forward, hitting the water and bring your penis back up just as quickly as you pushed it down. Doing this motion enough times makes your penis look like the Hungry Hungry Hippo from the popular board game.

Guy 1: Dude, the other night, i did the hungry hungry hippos in the bath.
Guy 2: Dude, thats fucking epic!!!
Guy 1: Thats why I did it!!!

by Vilheim February 20, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hungry Hungry Hippos

1. Hungry hungry hippos is the best best damn game ever. It's a childrens game where you have to hit a lever to open your hippos mouth so it can swallow marbles. The person with the most marbles swallowed by their hippo in the end wins. Their are four colours of hippo; pink, orange, yellow and green.

2. The term can also be used to describe greedy people.

1. The trick to winning Hungry Hungry Hippos is you just whack the lever over and over again all the way through the game. There's the slight drawback of you breaking the lever but who cares.

2. "I went to Macky D's and saw a lot of Hungry Hungry Hippos

by Kay May 17, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hungry Hungry Hippos

A secret plot devised deviously by huge fastfood franchises such as McDonalds and Burgerking to promote eatting a bunch of marbles as fast as the other kid can.

I went to McDonalds and saw fat kids playing hungry hungry hippos!

by Chris November 7, 2004

8๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž

hungry hungry hippo

Can be a sexual activity where one places gum balls in the anus, and shoots the gum balls out in the direction of a ready large woman, she tries to catch the gum balls in her mouth.

Oprah played hungry hungry hippo with Steadman last night.

by Original Churchy February 8, 2008

93๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

hungry hungry hippo

A sexual procedure preformed by a woman or a man on a man. The act of eating or chewing on the mans testicles as a hungry hungry hippo would do to the balls in the game.

- Hey Mikey i heard that girl gave you a hungry hungry hippo.

- Mate it wasnt just her, we were playing four player!

- Ew.

by Levi B. November 17, 2007

49๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

hungry hungry hippo

the act of sucking three or more men off simultaneosly while bobbing your head from one to the other, imitating the hippos movement in the popular childrens game.

Mrs. Johnson loves when Brian and the fellas circle around her to play a round of Hungry Hungry Hippo.

by Bboythehumanbeatbox November 16, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž