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I'm Afraid

What you say ironically in almost any situation that youre slightly uncomfterble with, confused about, or losing focus in.

Accompanied with eyes like O_O, and 1/4 tsp of Sarcasm.

When the edges of your brain are fraying with the feeling of scurredd you spell it Afrayd.

Girl 1: "yayy let's order curly fries"
Boy 1: "Aww, daing main! yumyums"
Girl 2: "I'm Afraid O_O"
Girl 1: "okays bape"

by chocolatesauceee June 20, 2011

17👍 22👎

I'm Afraid Not

3 words used to defy an action

Hacker: "Haha! I am going to kill everyone!"
Pro: "I'm afraid not."

by A nerd stick November 6, 2020

6👍 3👎

I'm not afraid to die

You too? Damn....

The feeling you get when you're so depressed you dont even care if you die

Bill - man, you okay? You didn't even flinch!
Me - man I'm sorry I'm not afraid to die

by Donkey__tonkey__honkeyhonkey February 7, 2021

I'm Afraid of Losing my Channel

Literally every Destiny says in relationship to ME is a manifestation of THAT EXACT THOUGHT.

Hym "Because when I suceed ALL OF THE IMPOSTERS LOSE EVERYTHING. No more interviews with Jordan Peterson. No more sycophants hanging on your every word. No more authority on any topic. Gone. And the people stupid enough to side against me are gone with them. 'I'm AfRaId Of LoSiNg My ChAnNeL!' You are going to lose your freedom if I'm right about your wife. Which (based on your obsession with me) I am."

by Hym Iam August 24, 2024