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I'm going to Walk the cat

To have sexual intercourse with a female.

"Hey whats going down with that chick and you?"
"Ah, I'm going to walk the cat."
"thata boy!" (slap hands)

and or,
"What are you about tonight?"
"Yo, I just want to walk a cat tonight"

and or,
"That girl is hella horny>"
"Ya, she wants her cat walked."

by Ryan Prewitt February 24, 2008

13👍 5👎

I'm going to walk the cat.

Getting a female to have intercourse with you.

James: "What good with that prospect?"
Pip: "Ah, I'm going to walk the cat."
James: "Ahhh ya!" (Slap Hands)

by Ryan Prewitt February 22, 2008

8👍 4👎