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I swear to fuck

A saying that many people use when they are about to beat the living shit out of a annoying friend or some 8-year old cringy kid.

Me: I swear to fuck I am going to beat the shit out of you kid
Kid: I bet you wonโ€™t!
Me: *start beating shit out of kid*

by BobpieChompers June 27, 2018

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I swear to fuck

Something someone says when they donโ€™t believe in using Gods name as part of a curse word but theyโ€™re fine with using traditional cuss words for some strange reason

โ€œShut the hell up or I sWEar tO fUck I will shoot your familyโ€

by Where Is My Air Guitar September 17, 2019

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I Swear to FUCK

When a person is trying not to mention gods name but want to express his opinion clearly

Person 1: I Swear To fuck, this kid is so annoying
Person 2: I know right

by Daddy DenPi March 10, 2022