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I believe in Science

The religious saying of someone who worships the Lord anyone who proclaims to be a "Scientist" and follows the religion of Science accepting all its dogmas without questions.

The people who put Radium (Ra) in their underwear when Science told them it was healthy.

Iā€™m going to stop farting to stop climate change, I believe in Science

I believe in Science, you also should listen to Bill Gates

I'm getting vaccinated because I believe in Science

by J B10 May 16, 2021

I believe teh Science

A phrase commonly uttered by those who can't even do algebra.

I believe teh Science is real, the solution to x^2 + 1 = 0 is real, water is real, Fauci = love, Science = love, so Fauci = Science, therefore questioning Fauci makes you an anti-science bigot. Tl;dr I am better than u.

by bobbymcprescott August 9, 2021

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