Source Code

I Cap

Is said when retarded child is trying to imply that he is Captain America

Timmy (retard) : Heyyyy guys I cap

Rodger: Ok

by HoopingCricket February 5, 2023


When a guy expects to get a blow-job from a girl but only gets a hand job

"Dude, did that girl give you dome?"

"Naw man, I got hand-i-capped"

by ThaMagicChef July 17, 2009

51πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

i smell cap

I smell cap basically means you know someone’s lying. This comes from the saying no cap, which means β€œno lie” or β€œfor real”.

Girl: β€œI promise I’m not sleeping with anyone.” Guy: β€œI smell cap.”

by LEG24 November 20, 2019

314πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

I smell cap

I sense a lie

1. Danny said he fucked ms.Richards
2. I smell cap Danny would never fuck a female he’s gay

by B1th November 20, 2019

93πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

i smell cap

When you can tell a nigga cappin, ie exaggerating or lying. A whiff of cap is like a strong wet fart, you aint gonna miss it.

I smell cap nigga, you cappin!!!

by Okmrsaucelord November 20, 2019

75πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

i smell cap

When you detect that someone is a liar.

Friend: Did you go water sporting with Jessica last night?
Me: No.
Friend: I smell cap.

by N0VALI0N November 19, 2019

24πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

I smell cap

When you think that someone is bluffing is about a certain thing they say they're about to do

For example that nibba Jaylin said he was gonna cuff someone but I told him I smell cap from him

by capsmellersupreme November 8, 2018