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I could eat

An easy way of saying "I'm not hungry, but if you're cooking/buying me food I'm up for eating it."

"Hey I'm running to McD's, you want me to grab you something??" "Yeah, I could eat."

by breezy-licious September 9, 2011

48๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

I could eat it

A phrase used to size up something; ie when talking about how small some new electronics are, the ability to eat them is descriptive of its small size.

'Check out my new Ipod Mini.'
'Sweet. I could eat it'

by G-Unit May 2, 2004

7๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

I could eat a horse

The proper third line to a haiku.

Today was so mid
Nothing was very goated
I could eat a horse

by Shane Churilla July 30, 2021

I could eat babies

To be so mad, upset or angry that you could eat an innocent baby.

I can't believe they made me work a double shift on New Year's Eve. I'm so mad I could eat babies!

by madbabydisease April 13, 2010

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I could eat a peach for hours

Line from the movie Face Off. Said by Nicholas Cage's character, Castor Troy. It means to perform oral sex on a female for, in this case, hours.

A guy trying to seduce a foxy lady: You know i could eat a peach for hours.

by Mitch Tyler November 22, 2009

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I could eat a knob at night

Said first by Karl Pilkington- a fantastic idiot with a head like an orange- in conversation on The Ricky Gervais Show podcast about 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here' and a celebrity eating a kangaroo penis.

Ricky: "So what're you saying??"
Karl: "I'm saying...I could eat a knob at night."

by Auntie Nora October 29, 2007

356๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

i could eat a buttered frog

what you say when you are beyond hungry. only to be said if you are so hungry, you truly believe you really could eat a buttered frog.

a: hey wanna get some maccy d's?
b: nah i'm not hungry.
a: not hungry? i could eat a buttered frog!

by me old fruity August 31, 2006

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