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i have no money

when you are absolutely fucking money-less, nothing, no moo-lah, nothing at all and yer name is josh oates min

skinto sir: said josh oates min

i have no money

by superinfinity February 9, 2017

AIRSHIP MAP IS OUT i have no money

i dont have moneh

omg! AIRSHIP MAP IS OUT i have no money tho.

by 69 years ago July 5, 2021

Screw the rules I have Money

A term to break the rules. Not to care about the rules

Joey: Dont do that!
BOb:Screw the rules I have money

by help man1233 January 18, 2011

25👍 3👎

Screw the Rules, I Have Money!

Seto Kaiba's catchphrase from yu gi oh the abridged series created by LittleKuriboh. First used when he lost a children's card game to yu gi.

Usage: to shun authority or to tease by flaunting one's wealth.
can be adapted to fit the situation.

ex. 1
Yu gi: Did you just summon a lot of monsters all at once.
Kaiba: Yeah, so?
Yu gi: You can't do that, it's against the rules.
Kaiba: Screw the Rules, I Have Money!
ex. 2
Person 1: leeroy, you dumb ass, you just fucked up our plan.
Leeroy: Screw the Plan, I Have Chicken!

by dr. daniel jackson August 20, 2009

279👍 132👎