Source Code

I was sick

Something you say when you friend or teacher asked why you weren't at school

Frined: "Why weren't you at school yesterday ?"

Me:"I was sick"

by Ky8196 December 14, 2016

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

I Feel Sick

A two-issue comic series from Jhonen Vasquez, focusing on Devi from JTHM's struggles as a comic book artist against a wall of ignorant editors (probably reflecting Nickelodeon's attitude to Invader Zim) and her rather unfortunate lovelife. Also features a cameo from Nny.

By the way, whisper it, it's his best (comic) work to date. Now go squeeze your Mister Spooky!

Tenna: "Soooo, how's your spleen?"
Devi: "It's doin' good."
Tenna: "Now that I've guided you into a more casual state of mind with my ninja-like precision, you wanna tell me what's wrong?"

by OD Smith March 24, 2005

31πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

do I look like sick

Kim Namjoon said this during a vlive March 17th 2017. It is a phrase we should all live by honestly.

Q: β€œAre you sick? You look sick?”

RM: β€œdo I look like sick, I’m perfect, Im healthy”

by Cuddlyfrog223 July 22, 2021

I can nawt get sick right now

A sentence you use when you can nawt get sick right now

"Omg Bailey are you ok?"
Baliey:*sneezes* " I can nawt get sick right now I have kendras birthday party and that baby shower later I-I just can nawt get sick right now."

-Family Guy S11 EP.18 Total Recall

by G1rlb0ss11 April 11, 2022

I can nawt get sick right now

A sentence you use when u can nawt get sick right now, or if you to appear on live action family guy.

*coughing* "Omg Bailey are you okay?" "Yeah. I can nawt get sick right now. I have Kendra's birthday party and that babyshower later. I just- I just can nawt get sick right now."

by r3gina_g3org3 April 25, 2022