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Mom I Tried

A derogatory term for a Community College. It infers that since anyone can get into them, Community Colleges are for students too stupid or too lazy to get into a "real" college (a Four Year).

"All my friends are smart and going to real colleges, but I'm an idiot and could only got into a mom I tried."

by Rosehasthorns July 29, 2009

8👍 2👎

God Knows I Tried

God knows I tried is best song to ever exist. It's by Lana Del Rey.

What's the best song ever?
Oh it's God knows I tried

by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn August 22, 2021

I tried to speak, but my mouth wasn't open.

the answer you give when you are too lazy to speak

Ms. teahcer: It's your turn to speak, kidö
Kidö: I tRiEd To sPeAk, BuT mY MoUtH wAsN't OpEn.
Ms teacher: bruh- I asked ou to speak-
Kidö: NaUr

by Violet_1233 May 17, 2021

I just tried to make you guys laugh

The thing that attention seeking girls say when nobody thinks their joke is funny. Mostly seen in YouTube comment sections and are most likely an anime pfp

Attention seeking girl: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he wanted to XD
*gets negative comments*
Attention Seeking girl: Edit: I just tried to make you guys laugh :(

by shinyr December 28, 2021

If I tried

We'll never know! Because I didn't have to!

Hym "We'll never know what would have happened if I tried because I'm just not going to! I'm going to wait for you to do what you're inevitably going to do and then I'm going to tell you all to go fuck yourselves! To your face! I'm going to get on them fucking podcasts and you're going to have to actually defend what you're doing to my face, in front of your audience! Or I'll kill a kid!"

by Hym Iam June 20, 2024