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The desire to incite or provoke people or things to action.

1: The Supreme Court's ruling on Proposition 8 has got me feeling inciteful!

2: Why not start arguments with people by commenting on their Facebook Agenda? Yeah, that'll show em...

by mynameiseno May 27, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


INCIT is a minigame of the game Forumwarz. A picture is shown and the contestants need to caption it. After that, the contestants need to vote on each other. The person with the most votes wins.

Person 1:I'm sooo good in INCIT, I know exactly what's good for every caption.
Person 2: Yeah right... Your profile only shows 1 INCIT win, you suck.

by Geluidsoverlast December 26, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


An invitation to a less than savory affair, typically driven by anger and/or despair.

"We need to have a party for Trumps inauguration"

"I'll send out the incitations"

by Rachiez726570 January 18, 2017


oppisite of excited.

i am so frikin incited to go to the 2 person dance potty

by hugepenis33414 September 21, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


one who is smarter, sexier, better looking, and funnier than you.

Goddamn, that fellow Nick G. must be incite

by Kevin Kim January 30, 2003

15๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


see ghst's second definition
see phily

by Anonymous January 30, 2003

10๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Include hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against others

Include hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against others Include e or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against others

Include hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against othersInclude hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against others

by ParaparaPartyCrow August 29, 2024