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international love GeorgeNotFound day

On June 15th we celebrate international love GeorgeNotFound day !!

“Oh its the 15th if June!”
“Do you not know? Its international love Georgenotfound day !!”
“oh really?”
yes go tweet @ him and show him support”

by craquerveló March 18, 2021

1👍 2👎

10th June - International Asia loves Chris day

Is well known that 10th June is the International Asia loves Chris day, where she demonstrates her love for him.

Oh, sweetie. Today is 10th June - International Asia loves Chris day. Im gonna prepare you some pierogis!

by Sirhc1995 June 9, 2020

1👍 1👎

International Lovelies

Translation of the Korean 와랑둥이, the term of endearment created by k-army for i-army. The abbreviated version of this nickname is "i-lovelies".
The name originates from the Korean word "Eppi" (이삐), which BTS member Park Jimin once used to describe the ARMY fandom. K-army started using "international lovelies" as a nickname for i-army after this. The nickname is meant to show k-army's love and appreciation towards the international fandom and carries special meaning to BTS fans, since it allowed the fandom to grow closer.

In return, the nickname given to k-army by i-army is "k-diamond".

Most kpop fandoms are historically not very close, since there tends to be very little communication between Korean and international fans (which often results in very misinformed i-fans), and the Korean fandom tends to dislike the international counterpart. This fact makes the nicknames and bond between k-army and i-army that much more special.

In recent years, kpoppies have gotten increasingly uncreative and started stealing and copying things. So despite the name being coined years ago and already having a common knowledge widespread usage within the ARMY fandom, some kpoppies are currently trying to make the name happen for their own i-fandoms in an effort to appear as close as the ARMY fandom, despite secretly calling them i-roaches and cockroaches behind their backs.

Our international lovelies ㅠㅠㅠㅠ This really makes my heart warm and at times like this it feels like we're a real family ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm so happy. I'm grateful to BTS for creating this bond between us and let's continue to love each other ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Eppi, did you translate the letters for our i-lovelies? Thanks!♡

by Expertus March 21, 2018