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It's Common Sense

When this quote is said the speaker acts as a complete douchebag and make the person you are talking to feel like a complete dumbass. Can be said even when the subject is NOT common knowledge.

Student (on exam): "Teacher, we never learned how to find the graph of a logarithmic equation."

Teacher: "Well, it's common sense really."

Student (thinking): douchebag

by (<SLimTHUG>) February 7, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

common sense

Common sense is what -I- think others should know.

When you remove the tea kettle from the stove, it's common sense to then turn off the burner.

by Tustar August 8, 2006

915๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

common sense

What everyone on the internet is totally lacking

It's 2017 and still no sign of common sense on the internet

by Suckin' on the Dictionary August 18, 2017

45๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Common Sense

Essentially, common sense is seen as knowledge that most people (except babies and the mentally disabled) should know. This can apply to things affecting all humans, or it can pertain to certain peoples and issues. When someone does something that contradicts common sense, you tend to think, "Dude you are so stupid. Anyone with common sense would have avoided that."

Things that universally defy common sense:
-trying to breathe underwater
-staring into the sun to try to see it
-trying to touch a rainbow
-believing politicians truly care about the people
-telling someone with a bazooka to fuck off
-driving on the wrong side of the freeway
-being a hypocrite
-poking any dangerous creature

by MissCaliBrownie April 7, 2010

204๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Common Sense

Something so rare it's a god damned super power.

Deadpool: Shhh...My common sense is tingling

by shatteredsteel November 16, 2009

390๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

Common Sense

Something just as rare as a good sonic game

Bro ricegum has no common sense

by A Cloutgang Hater July 20, 2018

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

common sense

A mythical force that is supposed to bestow knowledge of the obvious. Unfortunately, humankind has proven, time and time again, that there is no such thing as common sense.

The People v. Common Sense:

Exhibit A-
Common sense should tell people that coffee is a hot drink, and that when spilling it, one should expect it to be hot. Common sense should also tell people that eating fatty foods makes you fat. Still, look at the recent pathetic excuses for "lawsuits" against some fast-food restaurants.

Exhibit B-
Common sense should tell people - even children - that TV shows such as "Power Rangers" are not reality. Two eleven-year-old boys, however, tried to re-enact a scene from the above-mentioned show by burying an eight-year-old boy alive in the ground, thinking he would grow back out. Duuuuh...I don't think it worked...oops!

Exhibit C-
Common sense should tell the Bush administration to take money from people who actually HAVE MONEY TO GIVE, but instead they choose to take it from people who do not have it.

I rest my case.

by misanthropist June 13, 2006

435๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž