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JK Rowling

The author behind the Harry Potter franchise. And if you are LGBT+, you'd likely know her as the women exploiting the community for diversity points yet refuses to explore the sexuality she claimed for her characters. Also known as the author going against the very own community she exploited by posting transphobic ideas.

Kaitlyn: Stop calling JK Rowling transphobic. She had a right to an opinion!
Laura: An opinion isn't an opinion if it discriminates another person. By that logic, we should excuse racism because it is just an "opinion" too. Also, if she genuinely had a problem, she would come with a solution instead of antagonizing an entire group of already oppressed people. Her women rights crap is just her trying to cover up her transphobia.

by Whattup mfs September 14, 2020

47๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jk Rowling

A transphobic piece of shit.

Do you like JK Rowling?
No, fuck that transphobe!

by MonoKun September 23, 2020

24๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

JK Rowling

Literary Genius- Author of the awesome Harry Potter series

A very pretty woman as well.

Thomas: hey john, JK Rowling is doing a book signing at the Barnes and noble over on main street, want to come?

John: definitely! what time do you want to go

Thomas: as soon as possible, maybe 1 or 2

by tom38 November 26, 2009

506๐Ÿ‘ 418๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jk Rowling

Jk Rowling is a rebound British author. She is a staple of modern literature. JK Rowling is the creator of the Harry Potter franchise. She is also world renowned for conspiring with James Charles to make the world gay

Tim:Why did JK Rowling make Dumbledoor gay

Frank: Why

Tim:because he wants to give Harry Potter a bad case of hog-warts


by Cumnygget June 19, 2019

27๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

jk rowling

Used in place of "jk", to denote any previous comment as having been in jest.

Also can be used in conjunction with other harry potter references, where appropriate, as in:

Person A: I thought you were jk rowling!

Person B: No, I was totally being sirius black, I meant what I said!

Person A: Well fuck you... Professor... Sprout!

Person B: lolwut?

(JK rowling and sirius black are the only ones that really work together)

by Zanuel October 6, 2008

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JK Rowling

1. Author of Harry Potter collection
2. Queen
3. God

Jk Rowling is like God on earth

by A random book geek January 16, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

pulled a jk rowling

1. An feeble attempt made by story or character writers to renew interest in a dying media franchise by giving a character an uninteresting or useless trait which adds little no depth to their character, and usually used as a measure to conceal their impending failure or as an effort to bring diversity to a whitewash cast of characters.

Ironically, even though sales were peak for the series during this time, in 2007, Harry Potter writer J.K. Rowling revealed the sexuality of book character Dumbledore as being gay with an ass-pull wizard, receiving some backlash readers and fans alike arguing that she gave no real depth to his character up until the storyboarding of "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindlewalde"

2. Taking definition 1 and following through with it because you managed to gain or already had enough traction to actually continue your franchise and write a full filling and deep story for such a character.

Example 1.
Guy 1: Bro, did you hear that news about Soldier from Overwatch being gay?
Guy 2: Yeah man, they pulled a fucking JK Rowling because they couldn't save their toxic community and gaming league, or nerf their fucking characters.
Guy 1: I stopped playing after they added that retarded hamster anyway.

Example 2.
Guy 1: Did you watch the last episode of Adventure Time?
Guy 2: Nah, I heard they pulled a JK Rowling by making Princess Bubblegum and Marceline lesbians.
Guy 1: They actually made a decent storyboard with their romance and the aftermath overall in the New seasons.
Guy 2: Alright, might give it a watch.

by Nachoooooooo January 9, 2019

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