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a word that refers to a beautiful girl that is extremely honest and decent - not a whore even though a large number of people want to get with her.
everyone thinks she's perfect even though she's not, and tends to be academically excellent.

g:So you had a date with Johna last night?
m:yeah, it was awesome. But I didn't get anything

by daughterofmother May 4, 2007

343πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž


Is a very outgoing person she puts others before herself, johnae tries to avoid drama & focus on her dreams, but she's also a funny, beautiful girl she makes people feel welcome . Johnae is not afraid to speak her mind she's very bold do not underestimate a johnae

Yeah that's johnae

by osbaf53 December 23, 2016

69πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Johna is the girl who gets drunk despite her age. She would make a John/Johna army to rule the world.

1# oh wow you’re pregnant?

Yeah I hope she wont be a Johna

2# You shouldve seen her last night! She was a real Johna

by Dibdabdebby May 24, 2020

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The french femine version of John. In Spanish it is pronounced "Juana" for "Juana" is the femine version of John (Juan) in Spanish.

...hm...Johnae, ...sounds like French bread...

by Grandma's Left Arm February 21, 2011

28πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Shotgun Johna

One of the coolest girls in the world! Smokes alot! And wants a cute fuzzy hedgehog baby..

Shotgun Johna? Who's that?
Only the coolest gal a live

by Cam654987 December 9, 2009

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž