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Jacksonville Nc

Place full of 2 types of people: Single Marines and married Marines. Place has shops, clubs, loose women and dealers that slap young guys with a 26% apr. Despite it not being the best place, it’s close to Wilmington atleast.

If you meet a girl from Jacksonville Nc then stay tf away because she most likely has 1st Sgt on speed dial.

by Justaguy31 December 21, 2021

Jacksonville, NC

A mid-size town in the Coastal Carolina region that houses Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune.
About 95% of occupants are either: Marine, former Marine, related to a Marine, or spouse of a Marine. Other 5% are foriegners that were brought back to the states by Marines that work in the base PX, laundrymats, bars, and strip clubs.
Most who live in and around Jacksonville resent Marines and the high and tight hair cuts that they possess.
Jacksonville, NC is a horrible place to live.

"Hey Jimmie, where does your brother Nick live?"
"He is in the Marines at Camp Lejeune"
"You mean Jacksonville, NC? That has to suck"

by Robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb May 27, 2007

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