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January 20

This is the day when the most thoughful, caring, compasionate, loving, beautiful, heartwarming, generous, intellegent, selfless, hardworking people are born. They are desinted to be the most sucessful people ever and will become rich and famous, while still being able to manage being the nicest people you will ever know. They will also recieve many awards like the nobel piece price, an oscar and even become president in the future. People born on January 20 are just generally the most superior people in the world and it's inevitable to stop these events from panning out.

Jill- "What's your birthday"
Emma- "January 20th"
Jill- "Can I have your autograph before you become famous!?"

by norris01123581321 November 3, 2020

74πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

January 20

Give the middle finger to your ex day!!
Don't be afraid to show your hatred towards them, it won't hurt ;)

you: see your ex at the mall
ex: looks at

you: make eye contact (it's your time to shine)

now is the time when you put it up for the whole world to see
January 20th- a perfect day to give your ex the finger.

by mountainlionsrule1543 October 16, 2019

211πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

January 20

The day cool and swag people are born they don't care what other people think about them and live their life how they want to

January 20 born are so cool that I wanna live their life

by Yusi October 18, 2019

581πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

January 20

On January 20th, steal one of your best friends hoodie

Best friend 1: * snags his bsf hoodie*
Best friend 2: where tf did it go, shit it’s January 20 that hecker

by jams vegan November 2, 2019

124πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

January 20


teacher: So your homework is page 2 to page 6 on your activity book and...
Student 1: Mrs. Yee, its January 20
teacher :and?
Student 2: Teacher your not suppose to give homework on this exact day.
Students: YAY.....

by LALAlay;a November 19, 2020

46πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

January 20

National kiss your girlfriend day 😘😘

Today is January 20 that means I need to kiss my girlfriend

by Anonymous🀫🀫 January 20, 2020

38πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

January 20

National vibe check day!! Tell someone vibe check and if they aren't vibing then pennywise come and kills them

You:It's January 20 you know what that means. Vibe Check!!
Person: Nah
Pennywise: *rips off arm*

by 69 Is good. oh shit it's 420 December 21, 2019

51πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž