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January 2nd

The best day of the year. People who are born on this day love the winter and holidays. People are always telling you about how you were almost a new years baby.

I was born on January 2nd

by GGgggDDD274 December 30, 2011

236πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

January 2nd

January 2nd is a day to eat something you have never tried before

person #1: why are you eating caviar? I thought you hate it
person #2: Its January 2nd!

by 0wO December 3, 2019

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

January 2nd

bully your boyfriend day! does your boyfriend bully you and call it teasing? Well if so January 2nd is your day! You can bully and tease your boyfriend all you want without feeling bad! :)

G:haha take the L, you looser

B: why are you saying that?
G: because it’s January 2nd! Duh

by Nedwazoski January 2, 2020

24πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

January 2nd

Ask any boy named Lucas,Dylan,Charlie,Mason for anything and they have to give it to u

Me: Dylan give your bike
Dylan: No why

Me: its January 2nd

by asethic_helper December 31, 2021

January 2nd

January second is national compliment an elder day
If someone is over 60, tell them a compliment!

Kid: Hey Gram
Gma: Yes dear?
Kid: Nice hat, looks good on you
Gma: why is this the third time you've complimented me to day sonny?
Kid: Because its January 2nd!

by EddieBready December 17, 2021

January 2nd

Anyone can ask anyone for a ass pic and they have to!

"why did u send Josh an ass pic sally?"

"Didn't u u know that January 2nd anyone can ask for a ass pic from anyone?"

by Jackmeoffjerry January 1, 2021

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

January 2nd

Any boy with these names Lucas,Liam,Mark,Charlie,Harley has to give u whatever u want

Me: Lucas can i have ur bike
Lucas: No why
Me: its January 2nd

by asethic_helper December 31, 2021

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž