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jessica alba

(1)a female with both looks and brains, but doesn't have to use them to attain popularity; the opposite of a paris hilton
(2)a attractive multi-racial female, also known as a dark angel. Similar term: halle berry

Tammi is definitely a jessica alba; she will come out on top in any situation.

by Rolie Platnin July 20, 2005

1990๐Ÿ‘ 798๐Ÿ‘Ž

jessica alba

the hottest girl in the world!!!

oh my god its jessica alba!!!

by niggaz in da hood August 14, 2005

1232๐Ÿ‘ 601๐Ÿ‘Ž

jessica alba

The most Perfect Woman in the World. Created with Sugar, Spice, and everything Nice. Like the powerpuff girls.

"dude..if Jessica Alba ever got within 10 feet of me..i would do her right then and there."

by U-shin August 21, 2005

888๐Ÿ‘ 595๐Ÿ‘Ž

jessica alba

the Hottest woman alive

Jessica alba is byfar the most hot woman alive

by JPaCh January 19, 2006

593๐Ÿ‘ 493๐Ÿ‘Ž

jessica alba

The girl that most men hope and dream for. Can sell movies due to her good looks and hot body
(If u wanna see her as close to naked as she has been see into the blue)

Also a thing that men say to each other when they are trying to pick up.

Todd: I heard that into the blue wasn't that good.
Allan:Who cares, Jessica Alba is in a bikini for the whole movie
Todd:i'd pay to see that

Bill: That chick is checking you out.. and she's pretty fair
Matt: yeh but she ain't no Jessica Alba

by Allan S November 21, 2005

446๐Ÿ‘ 403๐Ÿ‘Ž

jessica alba

An overly paid so-called actress who's good looks overcompensates for her mediocre (hmmm....that's putting it mildly) acting skills. Someone with absolutely no other talent besides looking good.

Have you seen Jessica Alba's new movie? Her performance was like watching a train wreck.

by Sunshine81 December 3, 2007

369๐Ÿ‘ 378๐Ÿ‘Ž

jessica alba

1. To go from a beautiful, curvy, tanned Mexican-American woman to a cracked-out looking, bleached, railing pole that just got starring roles in major films after she was made to look even more blond and pale than Mexican/dark. You don't believe me? Google her pictures from when she starred in the Fantastic 4 film!

Trust me. They're gonna start bleaching Eva Longoria, too. That's Hollywood for you.

2. To have natural beauty but no acting talent.

Sue: I wanna be like Jessica Alba; use my beauty to star in that new Colin Farrell film.

Me: No you don't. When your looks start fading and your body changes shape, Hollywood is gonna dump you ass like old garbage. Go to acting school, first!

by twistedbabydoll August 13, 2007

112๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž