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Ji Hwan

Most amazing hot sexy awesome guy ever. He is the most sweet and sesitive man you will ever meet. His heart is so big, sometimes he doesn't know quite what to do with it. If you fall in love with a Ji Hwan don't ever let him go!!! You totally know you are safe when you are in his arms. You don't have to even meet him to know he is the one for you. Unsure of himself at times. Knows what he wants and goes after it. Hard to read his mind, but not afraid to share it. Always protects the ones he loves. Will do great things with his life. He will probably even change the world.

First Guy; “Ji Hwan is my hero

Second Guy: “ yeah every guy I know wants to be like him and all the girls want to date him”

by Ivan the Most Terrible May 7, 2018

21👍 1👎