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John C

A.K.A cronos, a John C typically traps, constantly gets robbed, but still the good manz. A John C drives a β€˜bella’ she should be disgusting and thrashed otherwise you can’t be a John C.

Yo u got a John C car type shit

by FISHINGCLUB October 31, 2019

John C. Dvorak

A well known author and columnist in the computer and tech world who now co-stars on the world's most listened-to podcast, This Week in Tech, aka TWiT. He has also recently become famous for his stance on spam emails.

"I GET NO SPAM!" -John C. Dvorak

by rimco September 7, 2005

25πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Pulled a John C. Mayer

Tricking Google's SEO algorithm so you show up on page one for a somewhat tricky random target.

Aunt Becky pulled a John C. Mayer, and now her blog is #2 when you Google him!

by bellanottbelle September 16, 2010

91πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž