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Jose Mourinho

He is Jose Mourinho

I am Jose Mourinho

Jose Mourinho

by Someone 00 June 1, 2022

jose mourinho

Without a doubt one of the greatest football/soccer managers in history.

Not only does he make whichever team he coaches win, he is also hilarious.

Jose Mourinho: "Yes, I am still the special one. Ask my wife if I'm special."

by starky September 23, 2007

249👍 86👎

Jose Mario Mourinho

An awesome dude that is always honest and is very romantic. He is my bff and will always be (hopefully). He is the best person ever!!!!!!!! I really can get mad at him but that doesnt change anything because he will always be the awesomest person to me!!!!!!!! Everyone at school likes him. By the way I am talking about Jose Mourinhos son.

Jose Mario Mourinho: whats up?
Person:I'm sad

by fatso101 May 3, 2011

21👍 1👎