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Kane brown

When an individual drops their pants and takes a shit in front of multiple people

Person 1: Dave did a Kane brown last night at the party

Person 2: that's disgusting

by Uncle fungus January 8, 2019

21👍 10👎

kane brown

Sexy ass country singer with a big dick and gorgeous face and body that any girl would die to have

Dee: OMG look at that sexy guy over there
Sky: I think that's a Kane Brown OMG I would die for him he's so sexy

by Skysky101 November 8, 2017

26👍 15👎

kane brown

A modern day country singer who is the Justin beiber of country music. A one tone low talent country music singer.

Casey-who is that old guy with that sixteen year old girl? James-justin beiber? Casey- No it's kane Brown

by N2OHYPD December 25, 2017

14👍 20👎