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kim il sung

A god of the kingdom of Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. He fucked a woman really hard to create a thing called Kim Jong Il. His face is often put up to symbolize his fucking creation of a fucked nation.

Kim Jong Il Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea kim il sung

by happyjonny December 19, 2013

77👍 10👎

Kim Il-sung City

Kim Il-sung City (still often referred to by older people by its' former name, Seoul), is the capital of the DPR Korea.

Kim Il-sung City was known as Seoul prior to the fall of Seoul and the unification of Korea under Communist rule in 1997.

by dudeintheuk December 3, 2006

37👍 71👎

Kim Il Sung

Kim Il Sung is the ass hole who started the DPRK or Democratic Republic of Korea after the Soviet Union and United States couldn't come up with a way to unify the countries. So they split it into 2: The Republic of Korea and Democratic Republic of Korea. Kim Il Sung is also the ass hole who raised the midget, Kim Jong Il.

I'm so glad that Kim Il Sung guy is dead.

by Mr. Crowley March 27, 2023

2👍 1👎