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Kraznan Faction

A rogue group of insane teens that was formed to initiate the Kraznan revolution. A diverse group of semi- to highly- intelligent individuals that was created in Mrs. Potocki's US History class (2002-2003). Will eventually create the Empire of Kraznania.

Only one group could be responsible for this kind of destruction and chaos... the Kraznan Faction.

by Silly Whitey November 16, 2003

2👍 2👎

Kraznan Faction

A rogue group of insane teens that was formed to initiate the Kraznan revolution. A diverse group of semi- to highly- intelligent individuals that was created in Mrs. Potocki's US History class (2002-2003). Will eventually create the Empire of Kraznania.

This is an exclusive group of extremely high importance, well, to those who know what is good for them...

This paper, it speaks of internet jokes... must be the Kraznan Faction...

by Crazy James No. II November 19, 2003

1👍 2👎