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Kung-fu Shiss

A combination of Kung-fu, a Chinese martial art; and Confucius, a Chinese philosopher. It is a diss aimed toward fellow yellows to tell each other they have no skill. In rare occasions it expresses admiration toward one Asian and is used as a proper noun. It is pronounced with an Asian accent, while still keeping a gangster-ness to it. It is used most often within a crowd of Asians (AZN) or by a White person who has no clue what they're saying and thinks they're Asian and/or Black.

Brian: Yo you ain't got no Kung-fu Shiss. What you tryin' to prove?
Mr.Cho: ...
Ms.Lee: You're the bomb-diggety Kung-fu Shiss.
Kung-fu Shiss: Hell yes.

by Har the Czar February 8, 2006

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