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lane bryant

A clothes store for plus-size women. Famed for the banned advert in which a curvy woman wore Lane Bryant lingerie and talked about it not being what mom would wear. According to some sections of the FA movement, highly unfashionable and inconsiderate of its customers.

'Man, did you see that Lane Bryant ad?'
'Yeah, I don't get how that was any worse than Victoria's Secret.'

by Dickface Faceofadick September 28, 2010

31👍 16👎

lane bryant

a place for old fat chicks to get their clothes

fat chick: i need to get some clothes
fat chick #2: let's go to Lane Bryant!

by Animefan August 29, 2006

80👍 73👎

Lane Bryant Caddy

The poor husbands and boyfriends that have to follow thier wives/gfs around the mall, hauling endless amounts of bags, sometimes aided by a stroller.

Friend: Yo, B, wanna hit the links today?
LBC: Nah Brah, wifey-poo says panties are on sale 5 for $25, so I'm stuck being a Lane Bryant Caddy today.
Friend: Thas Crazy!

by ScotttheBee March 8, 2010

9👍 4👎