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Larry David

1.Co-creator of the extremely hilarious and popular show β€œSeinfeld” that ran on NBC for 9 seasons. He is also the insperation for the character George.

2.Star and Creator of the TV show β€œCurb Your Enthusiasm” which runs on HBO. He frequeltly makes an ass out of himself on this show for the sake of comedy. Its hilarity rivals everything you ever though was funny.

3.He is a friend and hero to bald men, lesbians, librals, and Jews around the nation.

4.Lives in Jerry Seinfeld's shadow.

(Larry David has a flat tire in the city, and doesn't know how to fix it)

Larry David: (to various passerby) You know anything about changing a tire? Wanna help me change a tire here? No? I could use a little help. I need a little assistance. I never took a shop class, and I need a little help. Ok, I'm just coming flat out and saying 'help me'. Anybody want to help a semi-retarded individual change a tire? 25, 30 dollars. 30 dollars to change this tire. 35 dollars to change this tire right now.
(People are ignoring him)

Larry David: I'll give you 10 dollars for a verbal response. 10 dollars. Anybody want to make 10 dollars and respond verbally? No?

Larry David: Hear the birds? Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm deaf and I try to imagine what it's like not to be able to hear them. It's not that bad.


by JesseT May 7, 2006

437πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Larry David

When someone gets themselves into an awkward or uncomfortable situation, they have pulled a Larry David. This term is derived from Seinfeld co-creator and Curb Your Enthusiasm star Larry David, who does this to himself on a constant basis.

Nic: Hey man, want a cookie?

Matt: No thanks.

Nic: What are you, diabetic or something? (laughs)

Matt: Yes.

(Awkward Silence) - Nic has just pulled a Larry David.

by B3player89 December 22, 2008

206πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Larry David

Used when talking about the classic old man clown hairstyle. Bald on top and a ring from temple to temple.

Dood you should just bic that dome instead of rocking a larry david.

by Drewid December 14, 2007

32πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž

Larry David sandwich

A sandwich that was created for Larry in an episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm". It has white fish, sabel, capers, onions, and cream cheese. Larry tried trading it with Ted Danson for his sandwich.

Man: I'm getting you a Larry David sandwich. It has white fish and sable in it!
Man 2: No way, that sounds disgusting.

by semanon May 12, 2008

106πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Larry David Moment

When a person says, or does something offensive to someone else, without intentionally doing so.

Originates from the show "Curb Your Enthusiasm", in which the star; Larry David, always inadvertently offends someone.

Man #1: It was nice to meet your wife last night.
Man #2: Thank you, she thinks you're a terrific guy.
Man #1: She's hot too. Great tits.
Man #2: Excuse me?
Man #1: Ya' know, she's got a nice body. Nice. It's a compliment
Man #2: That's very offensive.
Man #1: It wasn't suppose to be.
Man #2: FUCK YOU!
Man #1: I just had a Larry David moment.

by StabberJosh May 2, 2008

177πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž