Source Code

late come

Arrival late to class under the Professor Rami Arav. Late come is cause for automatic dismissal from the classroom and an issuing of a failing grade.

Professor Arav: "No LATE COME!"
Foreign Student: "I apologize for my late come"
Professor Arav: "too late you fail because of late come"
Foreign Student: "@^*# #&(^@%&#!"

by Mark The Shark September 17, 2013

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

johnny come lately

A newcomer to success; being new to wealth, and having relatively little culture, he spends it without caution or prudence, often with a penchant for the very modern or fashionable. Essentially he begins to do all the things he thinks a wealthy person ought to do, and in the process draws a lot of attention to himself.

He is easily told apart from those more accustomed to affluence by his preference for brand new, convertible German sports cars, and frequenting expensive, highly-visible chic cafeterias for lunch. Everything he wears is brand new. His taste in art is poor or lacking. He lacks essential social graces and may have little or no sense of humour. Anyone caught being on the cellphone en route to the golf course is probably a JCL.

Essentially he remains a socialite, so he is likely to be seen amongst other JCLs and, when not playing golf, an entourage of young, good looking but always overdressed gold-digging women desperately trying to fall pregnant to him.

"So, the Vittoria for lunch?"
"I avoid that cafe, it's full of johnny come latelies."
"I must say, that entire shopping centre is the same. I saw this johnny come lately perusing the jewelry store window while on his cellphone talking about golf"
"It's the suburb. Full of rich youngsters and soccer moms."
"I concur. Let's go to a bar downtown instead."
"Sweet. At least the women there want more than our wallets"
"I was thinking along similar lines."
"Let's not tell our wives"
"Let's not"

by MrKapper Is Back November 21, 2012

43πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

johnny come lately

Someone who shows up late, often.

"Look who finally showed up, Johnny come lately"

by m267 June 25, 2009

48πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Johnny Come Lately

Johnny Come Lately- Someone who shows up late, often or jumps in front of a queue in a cheesy fashion.

*People are waiting in traffic and then the green light shows, the person at the front see a cheesy faggot drive in front of him.

Person in the car in front "Oh you little Johnny Come lately"
Person in another car "You fucking cheesy faggot"

by Swatch January 4, 2013

20πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

johnny come lately

a man that has trouble getting his penis up.

mike had a johnny come lately moment tonight.

by amandaerinlauren February 15, 2007

29πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž

come late night

a phrase typically said by sketty bitches and esh dogs. Late night is basically saying to your parents that your shopping at the plaza during night but your really going to smoke weed on the bridge and meet up with your eshay friends and do sketchy shit

esh dog: oi ba come late night tonight
sketty bitch: ye cunt ill be there
esh dog: bring the bud
sketty bitch: hell yeah

by sketty ass bitches August 8, 2019


Noun, informal

The general consensus when it comes to Corona hard seltzer.

Bro: You see there’s a hard seltzer by Corona?
Other bro: *opens a White Claw* Yeah man talk about a Juan-y-come-lately.

by lastfrontiermama February 28, 2020