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When someone misspells league.

Person 1: Hey have you played leauge?

Person 2: Uh.. You mean league?

by KnowMoreEveryDay January 30, 2020

Ivy Leauge

A school you definitely couldn't get into as you can't even spell "League" correctly.

I applied to the Ivy Leauge but I got rejected because I spelled Yail, Kolumbia, Kornel, Dartmuth, Prinston, Harverd, PennState and Broun wrong. I suck.

by jknee April 4, 2006

340๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ivy Leauge

The way idiots spell ivy league.

obviously not an "ivy leauge" student

by Em-Jay-See May 10, 2006

98๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

leauge of legends

A shitstain that manages to steal you're time and your money

Oh noes! I started leauge of legends!

by Ezcapemaster November 28, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

bush leauge

inferior or unprofessional quality; second-rate

When Ginger Spice left the Spice Girls, they became bush leauge.

by jdizzlefosizzlepizzzle November 13, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ivy Leauge

A group of 8 colleges also known as the "Ancient 8 which are:


These colleges are set apart by the fact that they all play football together and do not award merit-based or athletic scholarships.

Wow... Columbia got crushed by Brown again!

by Carlos LLave December 17, 2004

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Ivy Leauge

One of 8 schools that you couldn't get into. At the top of the list is the University of Pennsylvania because graduates from there will and have a social life and make more money that you ever dreamed of.

"You go to Harvard. I'm sorry."
"Yale graduates have no friends in the real world."
"Anyone can buy there way into Princeton."
"Penn is where smart, rich kids learn how to take over the world."

by UPenn May 26, 2005

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