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lemon pepper wet wings

lemon pepper wet wings — A delicious food you can eat in Atlanta if you don’t care about your blood sugar, cholesterol, or longevity.

A recipe:

1) Dry the wings in a refrigerator over night for extra crispiness when fried.

2) Prepare the spice:

Lemon zest from six lemons

Orange zest from two oranges

The pressed garlic from one whole clove of garlic

Three grated onions: one purple; one white, and one yellow.

Dry the wet ingredients in a cast iron skillet and finished them in an oven on a low temperature on parchment paper before grinding them with the dried spices.

Cumin seeds

Coriander seeds (equal to the amount of cumin seeds you use)

cardamom seeds

Mustard seeds

Whole peppercorn mix hand ground with a small amount of sea salt

Grind ingredients together in a spice mill

clarified butter

Warm the clarified butter mixed with some olive oil. When it is heated, add the spice mix and allow the fragrances to come up. Here some people also add rock candy sugar, or jaggery and Indian ingredient until caramelized to sweeten the spice mixture.

Add the fried wings to this mixture hot from the fryer and toss them until the wings are evenly coated.

Be careful because if you eat these too often you will definitely get “the arthur, the pressure, AND the sugar”.

Maaaaaaaaaaan Buffalo Wings ain’t SHIT! My standard for wings is Atlanta Lemon Pepper Wet Wings.

by Mind Hunter the Profiler March 14, 2023

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