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like nine

Like nine is a west coast surfer type saying which is a phrase of positive approval. The saying may have come from the excitement surfers would have describing very good waves because they were almost nine feet. Hence the excited statement "like nine, brah". Brah meaning bro for brother.

The waves were like nine brah

Dude we're so going to crush it the waves are killer like nine brah

Right on

by misp October 20, 2013

hung like a nine foot suicide

Any guy that's got at least nine or ten inches.

"So, like, I was fooling around with Ryan last night, and....oh my god, he is hung like a nine foot suicide."

by huckabees July 24, 2008

3👍 13👎

i like kids, just nine year olds

something pewdiepie said to get more subs and it's currently working as of 12/20/18

i like kids, just nine year olds and i go to war with them

by pyoodeepai December 20, 2018

6👍 1👎