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Little Italy

A part of a city that contains many Italian-Americans and retains a lot of Italian culture with it's restaurants and gift shops. The most famous Little Italy is the one in Manhattan, although the amount of Italian-Americans living there has greatly diminished due to the growth of Chinatown in the past years. Other Little Italy's in New York include Bensonhurst, and Arthur Ave. in The Bronx. Other cities with a Little Italy include Baltimore, Cleveland, Chicago and San Diego, and many more in other countries. Some of the best Italian Festivals are held in Little Italy's such as La Festa di San Gennaro in Chicago and Manhattan. Little Italy, Manhattan and Chicago were once home to many crime families in the early 1900's. Overall it is a great place to visit, especially if tu sei italiano!!

Hey where are you from?

I'm from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn.

I heard there's a lot of Italians there.

Yea, it's Brooklyn's Little Italy.

by bklynboy212 February 18, 2009

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Little Italy

Slang term for penis. Originated in the Northeast United States

Jake: β€œHow was your day” *reaches for Little Italy*
Adam: β€œWoah, stay away from my Little Italy”

by Poopmaster January 25, 2022

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Little Italy

Little Italy is a girl that is small but has a big personality. She is not afraid to speak up for herself or her girls. She is ferocious and she is a feisty one. She is a good time, always down for some fun. She is almost always DTF. She is also a member of the NBC. They have massive tits. POW.

"Dayum, that girl is such a little italy"

"Yo don't mess with little italy"

"Back the fuck, little italy coming through"

by Laura TooSwag July 1, 2012

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Little Italy

A goofy way of saying 'literally'

They're little italy swimming with the fishes.

by pygasys April 28, 2022

Little Italy T-Shirt

Bullet-proof vest. As worn by mobsters in "Little Italy"

The Boss survived. Thanks to his Little Italy T-Shirt.

by Filligrees_Daddy August 19, 2021