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locust valley

kick ass place in long island.
common population here is pretty cool, alot of middle class, som rich assholes but most are nice.
the schools are pretty ghey til your above seventh grade
too much monitoring in the schools though, basically like jail.
Were good at most sports but we also suck ass at some.
Good thing bout the school is they have sum hot ass girls.. ironically most are from bayville but sum hot ones from LV.
Yea thats basically it lol.

Locust Valley: A place where you can get suspended for two months for punching someone. But once your free you can just grind with hot ass girls at the school dance.

by The Owner of LOL September 29, 2007

45👍 58👎

locust Valley lockjaw

Affected tone of voice commonly heard in Locust Valley , New York by wealthy residents of the community. They speak
with little movement of their lower jaw.
Katherine Hepburn in a bad mood, or Jim Backus on Gilligans Island display some traits of this speech pattern.

Mimi, have you seen the keys to the Bently? I thought I might nip over to Piping for a spot of Golf.

by Jim January 24, 2004

91👍 12👎

Locust valley

Full of idiotic A-hole guys who only want pics and then block you

Good at sports but the worst guys imaginable
Ytf are they so well off?

P1: What us that guy you were telling ne about like?
P2: Oh, he's from locust valley
P1: ohh.

by LearningGuitarplayingdude January 7, 2022