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Logan Wright

A character from CP Coulter's fanfiction Dalton. Logan has anger problems, but hates taking his meds. He is in Stuart house, and his best friends are Derek and Julian, but he is too blinded by his obsession with Kurt to see that Julian loves him. Because of this, Julian nicknames him a "Giant Squid of Ignorance."

"Get out of here, Derek," said Logan, straightening up and brushing his collar off.

Derek took two steps, stopped and turned. "…did you take your medication?"

"Yes," Logan said in an ingratiatingly polite voice. But he forced a smile at him. "I'm fine, man. I love my haze of gray nothing."

Dialouge between Derek and Logan Wright, Dalton, Chapter 13, by CP Coulter

by KeepCalmAndAskTheSquidToProm October 2, 2011

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