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lola bunny

Hot cartoon that junior wanked off to in his high school years even found a similar looking girl at the gyme a few years later.

Lola bunny (hot cartoon bunny) whom junior would love to devour her booty

Or Lola bunny the ALSO HOT girl from the gyme that junior let slip through his hands (accidentally)

Either way, Lola bunny is what gives junior the egomaniac a RAGING HARD ON, even juniors dad had it in for her, jeez

Junior grimes’ childhood crush is Lola bunny among MANY OTHER girls

Lola bunny is the hottest piece of ass I’ve ever seen” -junior, probably

“Dude, you need a girlfriend” -everyone to junior

by Reggie capers December 4, 2021

123👍 1👎

lola bunny

You know EXACTLY who she fucking is.

I wanna yiff lola bunny.

by My_nam_SHAW262 January 22, 2021

15👍 1👎

Lola Bunny

-Bugs's girlfriend
-the chick bunny basketball player on Space Jam

"Don't ever call me doll..." said Lola Bunny

by *MICHI* April 1, 2003

94👍 16👎

Lola Bunny

1 Affectionate term for those named Laura. A way to differentiate between multiple friends named Laura (Lola, Lola Bunny, Lolita, Laura, Laurie).

2 Female pink rabbit in Looney Tunes cartoons, most notibly from Space Jam.

1 I called Lola Bunny on the phone to complain about my roommate Laura.

2 Lola Bunny plays basketball well, for a girl (and for a cartoon).

by LyssaLou May 14, 2006

42👍 24👎

Reverse Lola Bunny

Getting or having gotten breast enlargement surgery

Coworker 1: Something seems different about Patricia from accounting
Coworker 2: Yeah, she had a reverse Lola Bunny

by Trash rook April 6, 2021

2👍 1👎

Blaze weaver bugs bunny sees Lola bunny

You and me are in love

Blaze weaver bugs bunny sees Lola bunny Nothing to do but beat jordan in basketball but no Lebron stuff we gonna make it and we will find our shoes the btrues

by Blazeweaverisbugsbunnylolastar October 24, 2022