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Los Alamitos High School

A high school in North Orange county. pretty good academically for public school where most kids do well or decent. good sports programs too. contains mostly rich kids (not as rich as newport beach) that hail from Rossmoor(me) and Seal Beach, and don't even consider themselves rich because there dad won't buy them a new BMW for their 16th b-day( some kids get it) known for having a drug issue so they brought in a an on campus cop and search dog to bust the druggies after i graduated 07. also a school where just about every senior drinks every weekend or has gotten drunk by the time they graduate. can be the best years of your life or your worst depending on your social rank. that's high school for you...

that's high school for you...

Where did you go to High School??

Los Alamitos High School, OC

Oh you guys have a lot of rich druggies hugh...

yeah basically...so you want a drink??

by CRbzz December 23, 2009

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