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Manly Man

A man who can make a decision without resorting to an internet poll to help him decide.

I thought he was a Manly Man, but he posted a forum poll to help him decide on a new wallet.

by Bosston March 7, 2013

85๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Manly Man

A male human of exceptional strength, fortitude, brilliance, and overall awesomeness.

Person A: Kevin Liao just passed me in the hallway!
Person B: What an honor!
Person A: ikr, he is such a Manly Man!

by yunyunfeifei May 25, 2011

61๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Manly Man

A man who is comforable in his own skin, but doesn't use skin care products. Someone who drives a vehicle with "muscle" But knows where to draw the line. i.e.- you won't need a ladder to get in. A man who loves women, but not all at the same time. *see playa. Protective but not overly aggresive. Prefers big dogs over cats. Masculine sans machismo. Hetero sexual, period. Soap? Irish Spring, of course.

Brad Pitt is not a manly man but George Clooney and Paul Newman are.

by VegasVillain January 25, 2006

200๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž

Manly Man

A man who is so manly, hes a manly man, Us manly men rule the world with our manly men powers.

Person:Hey Dude your so such a manly man.

Me: Yes, i know im so manly man.

by Manly Man January 10, 2005

88๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

Manly Man

A man whose dick is so big that he could still have sex during the Covid 19 pandemic

His wang is at least 6ft long.

Did you hear about Jeramy?

What about him?

He could have sex legally during the pandemic his dick was so long!

Oh what a Manly Man.

by BlimNim01 May 11, 2020

8๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Manly man

A manly man is a man who is overall awesome at everything he dose. He never gives up and always pushes others to the max. A manly man is very good for comfort and also good in bed he loves to go out and adventure but he also likes to sit home and talk to people about his/their problems he is very handsome and everyone loves him

He is a manly man because he knows how to treat a women

by Guest1649725739 January 21, 2018

21๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Manly Man Town

A town where a very manly man is the ruler

Ryan McLemore is the ruler of Manly Man Town

by Ryan McLemore May 29, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž