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MANual labor

Real old-school guy work, like fixing a car, when cars had carburetors, chopping down a tree, digging a hole to bury shit, welding shit together, banging on things until they worked again.

Dude, MAN up. Don't let some other guy do your MANual labor. Get the wrench and hammer out, kick it a few times and then give 'er a whirl.

by Carlos18 December 22, 2011

35👍 2👎

Manual Labor

A sneaky way of saying hand job.

RJ: "so what happened last night?"
Gina: "well, I don't really want to tell you.."
RJ: "c'mon! pants friendly kiss? manual labor??"

by Shortneckedgiraffe January 24, 2011

22👍 4👎

Manual Labor

Physical work done by children

Person 1: "Can I help out with this tough Manual Labor?"
Person 2: "No. That is what the children are for.

by The real dictionary bois August 7, 2020

1👍 3👎