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to accost (although not for sex, usually) someone you have not seen in a while, hugging and kissing them in between noogies.

I miss you so much, i'm totally going to mawl you tomorrow.
Dude, he got mawled, his hair is all messed up
Child says to mother after being hugged and kissed in front of his friends "Oh god mom don't mawl me"

by Julieani April 13, 2007

16πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Enthusiastic oral sex.

She was mawling me last night.

by lulcake May 21, 2014


Uncommonly but comically changed expression for Hitchhiking to the Mall when frustrated with public transit. and watching the hilarious expressions from the people who are deathly scared of any hitchhiker no matter if they are a creaky old lady or not.

Holding up sign with 'Mawl?! spelled out on a piece of cardboard hoping for a ride to the mall and a laugh. After waiting 2 hours for a friggen transit bus.

by Markis/sikraM April 14, 2008

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


a word used by Varina Highschool To let people known that there about to Drag som shit

Fuck bricks It’s Mawl bitch

by Joseeeealsborn December 5, 2019