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my manz

the word my manz mean your nigga, your rock, close to a boyfriend but not there yet...

who manz is that? girl thats your manz? yeah thats my manz

by my manz November 16, 2016

55👍 14👎


Your nigga, your rock, your reason for smiling in the morning, afternoon, and night... the first person you think of when you wake up and the last person you think of when you go to bed... close to your boyfriend but not there yet

Thats my manz over there he's so dreamy

by Alexxanderr July 16, 2017

33👍 19👎

free my manz

A term used my "Gangbangers", when their gangmember has been

put into jail. Used in the origin from "Drill Music, "Chicago Music"

Ayee free my manz OG, he's been in the cell since 03

by Driller Musicz February 26, 2016