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Maastricht University

In a few words: International university, Germany central, nerds central, dutch frat guys central, PBL method, bikes infested.
The only university capable of driving its students into nerds. Even the hopeless ones.

No matter where Maastricht Uni students have studied before/afterwards, UM will always remain the hardest one for them.

Maastricht university is so hard.

by mojito January 26, 2013

132👍 8👎

Maastricht University

aka Bullshit University, located in Maastricht, The Netherlands, but infested by Germans. The only university where, even if you ace an exam, you can still fail the entire course because you skipped ONE lesson. At UM, life just plain sucks and weed, Ritalin and vodka are the only way to get through it all. UM attracts tons of international students (all thanks to some marketing bullshit), especially Germans who for some reason think it's some sort of European Harvard. Everyone in Maastricht is either a psychopath, a junkie or depressed. To add insult to injury, moving to Maastricht also causes you to get Maastricht Syndrome.
Not to mention that everyone who works at UM believes they're in the best uni on earth, even though UM actually ranks pretty bad among the 'good' uni's in Europe

"I skipped 2 out of 20 tutorials and now I have to do a 60 page essay course assignment within 3 days, otherwise I'll have to graduate a year later. Maastricht University is such a fucking nightmare."

"Goddammit, how come the Germans at Maastricht University always get such high grades while everyone else is struggling so much?? Oh wait I know! They're all psychopaths!"
"If you say Maastricht University backwards three times while looking into a mirror, you'll be exempted from all resits."

by godverdomme January 15, 2020

8👍 5👎