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The best discord admin in the world, who manages to ban gorilla men in 0.12412341235235 seconds.

"MaeDae is the best admin and banned me for raiding in 0.69 seconds :pensive:"
"MaeDae thinks Trump is a tyrant :pepelaugh:"

by fortniteidea October 27, 2020

jun maeda

Awesome writer who writes awesome stories for awesome people. He wrote many classic Visual Novels and Anime, the most famous of which being CLANNAD and Angel Beats! which are AWESOME!!!!!!1

man: you see that guy, he's such a jun maeda
other guy: oh yeah he is so cool and talented im jealous

by keyfan123 June 28, 2022

Twinki Maeda

The nickname princehoney_c0mb gives yuki

Not pog person:oh I like yuki from sdra2 and dra
Pog person:oh Twinki Maeda

by Junko kinnie lol January 4, 2021

yuki maeda

An adorable charecter in sdra2

Person1.: Hey whos your favorite charecter in sdra2?
Person2.: its yuki maeda

by Aemkayfellow January 30, 2022

Hotaka maeda

The Japanese Yakuza who rule Japan in the 2100's. He killed 300 billion people with a plastic butter knife he stole from QFC in just one night. (with the help of his 3 niggas)

But do you know what's so wierd about Hotaka maeda?

HE!! was a retard..............

by hotaka m May 7, 2004

2👍 8👎

mason maeda kacmarcik

the most amazingest bestest perfectest boyfriend i could ever have. we will get married and have 98653987621598762598624653986486872539872539087 kids together.

Omg! Is that Mason Maeda Kacmarcik???

by fortnite balls im gay January 2, 2023