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Mafia wars

An amazingly annoying myspace application that causes its participants to involuntarily spam people via bulletin. Its goal is to have the players rise through the ranks as if they were actual members of some crime organization.

I just deleted that dumbass Jason as a friend because all of his bulletins asked me to join mafia wars.

by JesusGodMan August 9, 2008

86👍 64👎

mafia wars

A gay loser game on myspace and facebook it spams your page until your computer crashes it also helps people become internet Gangstas

Little Timmy: yo dog I'm going to clap at you online when we play Mafia wars

Joe: dude why are you trying to be a gangster when you live in the suburbs

Little Timmy: hop off my nuts bitch ass nigga

Black dude: fuck you say young blood

by In Blackest Night December 3, 2008

126👍 107👎

mafia wars

an annoying myspace application that causes you to spam bulletins and comments forcing you to join the game.

gee, my bulletin space is filled with people wanting to join their mafia.

mafia wars gets on people's nerves.

by lolwut at teh buttsecks July 29, 2008

73👍 77👎

Mafia Wars Whore

A person who is addicted to Mafia Wars, and they have it on Myspace, Facebook, and even the application for the iPod Touch. They are usually around level 100 after four months of playing. These people have well over 125 people in their mafia.

Man 1: Dude, why haven't you answered any of my calls?

Man 2: Oh sorry, I've been playing Mafia Wars a little too much.

Man 1: You are such a Mafia Wars Whore

by HowlandNotTooCool October 6, 2009

34👍 25👎

Mafia wars admin

Someone who plays mafia wars all the time, adds a lot of people to his mafia, and is really good.

Mafia wars admin add me

by Wordman on the track March 22, 2010

4👍 8👎