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β€’ For the most part

β€’ More than anything else

He mainly eats chips and fries.

He’s mainly good when away on trips.

by No onnne important July 25, 2018

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

smeel mainly

How you read the words "smell manly" when you're Rocky Balboa.

"In the mornin' I splash it on, an' it makes me smeel mainly."

by el poop July 11, 2017

mainly retarded

an extremely idiotic or foolish state of being. Usually used by one moron to deride the intelligence of another. Derivation or corruption of mentally retarded.

Mike is such a dweeb; he is mainly retarded.

by David December 2, 2003

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž