Source Code

Man Kiss

When two men are in a bromance and need to show affection in a manly way. The result is a slight headbutt that lets them know you care.

Dude why did Earl just headbutt you?
It was a man kiss.

by RandizzlefoShizzle September 18, 2012

12👍 2👎

dead man's kiss

a kiss in which a man holds his mouth on the other recipient for an unnecessary amount of time

"He gave me a dead man's kiss for 7 hours straight and now I am pruneish!"

by ubuyv May 5, 2007

3👍 2👎

Spider-Man Kiss your dog

When you spider man kisses your dog

Shut up Spider-Man Kiss your dog

by Robert Hamill September 24, 2019

8👍 1👎

Dead man's kiss

A kiss where the person dies during the kiss. This marks you to die next.

Friend:did he die!
Girl: ya at the end I think.
Friend you have the dead man's kiss

by Monkeykombat October 12, 2019