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Marlboro Gold

Formerly "Marlboro Lights", Marlboro Golds are low nicotine, tasteless cigarettes. Often smoked by sorority girls and the like who don't really smoke or enjoy smoking, but just do it to "look cool". They taste like paper and have a chemical after-taste.

Person 1:So, you started smoking? What do you smoke?

Person 2:Since I don't know any brands I just went for Marlboro Golds

Person 1: Hahahahahahahaha, those are disgusting, try some camels or some Marb Reds, you may aswell enjoy smoking if you're going to waste you're lungs on it.

by d77rj May 23, 2011

129👍 237👎

Marlboro Gold

A cigarette that is less harsh than regular cigarettes such as the Marlboro Reds or Camels. Usually smoked by occasional smokers or people who smoke for social reasons such as frat boys or angsty teenagers. Generally speaking, women and sorority girls smoke this type of cigarette because it is lighter on the lungs and throat.
Smokers who are trying to quit often start by switching to this cigarette due to the cigarette having less tar and nicotine.

John: Yo, you switched your main cigs to Marlboro Gold?
Thomas: Yeah man, the reds were too harsh on my throat

by oh ny3s August 30, 2016

26👍 42👎