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May Zues Paradox

It’s a term used in Burmese Politics in Myanmar. As long as a certain group of people is seating in the parliament, you are told that the only option you have is to vote for NLD which will be getting rid of them sooner or later. But they had already spoken out publicly that those unelected 25% people which is provided with seats in parliament according to the unjust constitution they said, are too crucial in this politics to be disposed and reconciliation with military faction is politically suggested method to avoid bloodshed as little as possible, which on the other hand neglects all the social class struggles and identity politics in the country.

Saw Maung : Hey Pineapple Bikini, I dont think I will be voting as long as the constitution is not amended.

Pineapple Bikini : Why do you say so ?

Saw Maung : Dude, we are facing May Zues Paradox.

by Pineapple Bikini 🍍 January 8, 2021