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Mayor McCheese

A McDonalds restaurant character that has been retired for a while now. He had a hamburger for a head.

They've retired a number of other characters, too

by Ryan Thompson January 18, 2004

97👍 14👎

Mayor McCheese

A colleague who consistently leaves work ('cheeses it') much earlier than expected, leaving you wondering whether they are actually employed part-time.

"Hey, where's Padma?"
"Sorry buddy, Mayor McCheese has already cheesed it"
"What?! But it's only 3pm!"

by jimmy tsolakis November 22, 2007

80👍 22👎

Mayor McCheese

A McDonald's guyp;my hero

Mayor McCheese is my idol.

by the wierdest person you never knew May 7, 2005

35👍 43👎

Mayor McCheese

When a married public official cleans the cheese from your foreskin.

That cop will never bust me, I know him as Mayor McCheese.

by Zigi and Arete September 24, 2010

13👍 23👎

Mayor McCheese

A pussy with saggy lips that resembles hamburger patties.

She pulled down her pants and she had a Mayor McCheese.

by Grimes263 July 9, 2021

1👍 1👎

Mayor McCheese.

It is a synonym for wang.

Sometimes I like to look at pictures of Rosie O'Donnell and play with my Mayor McCheese.

by Tom Penniman December 9, 2005

11👍 18👎