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Miley Syphilis

noun-Contagious condition. Common among pre-teen girls, where they try to emulate untalented, conceited, phony, prefabricated TV star.

Mom:" Harold, I think our daughter has Miley Syphilis!"
Dad:" At least she's not Britney Speared."

by badugah February 15, 2009

89👍 17👎

Miley Syphilis

A Nickname For Miley Cyrus. She Has This Nickname Because This Is One Of The Many STD's She Will Acquire In The Next 5 Years Or So

Miley Cyrus Fan:OMG MILEY IS AWESOME!!!1
Non-Miley Cyrus Fan: You Mean Miley Syphilis? I Hate Her

by mrsandman9896 March 30, 2009

60👍 24👎